Help! I’m Sitting in the Wrong Lecture Hall
Aoife O'Donoghue explores the plight of and support available to students who feel they are in the wrong course.
For Postgraduates, The 1937 Reading Room Is Not Fit for Purpose
Denis Ryan argues that the dedicated study space for postgraduate students is inadequate and outdated.
Ruane’s Election Breaks Many Glass Ceilings, But More is Needed to Change Status Quo
Electing someone different once is just the first step to opening the gates to all those who come from the same background.
Fear and Loathing in the Ussher Tower
Battling it out in the under-seated and oversubscribed libraries.
Pending Board Approval, Aidan Seery to be Appointed Senior Tutor
He will replace the current Senior Tutor, Dr Clare Laudet, at the end of this academic year.
Trinity Professor Elected to Fellowship of the Royal Society
Prof Luke O'Neill will join 50 leading scientists from around the world as a Fellow, a position held by Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin.
Referencing “Inspiring” Students, An Taisce Presents Trinity’s Second Green Flag
Student involvement was noted as being critical to the awarding of the flag.
Ivana Bacik Re-Elected to Seanad TCD Panel on Thirteenth Count
With 4,144 votes, Bacik was elected having exceeded quota. She joins David Norris, who was elected last night.
Norris Re-Elected to Seanad TCD Panel on First Count
With 4,070 votes, Norris has been re-elected to the panel having exceeded quota.
Trinity to Defend Discrimination Claim from Former Lecturer in European Court
The claim from Dr David Parris, a retired lecturer, alleges that Trinity’s pension scheme discriminates against him based on age and sexual orientation.