Students Pay Different Fees, But Deserve the Same Treatment
Many fail to think about why non-EU students feel like “second-class citizens”.
Íocann Mic Léinn Táillí Difriúla, Ach is Ceart Caitheamh Leo sa Slí Céanna
Ní thógann mórán daoine faoi ndeara an chúis go mothaíonn mic léinn neamh-EU ar nós “saoránaithe ar an dara grád”.
Global Relations Office to Meet Target for Student Enrolment Despite Concerns
The target comes as part of the 2014-2019 strategic plan announced last year.
Provost’s Annual Review Highlights 20% Increase in Non-EU Students in Two Years
The yearly review shows both rises and falls in staff and international student numbers
Meet the Man Behind Trinity GAA’s Nationally Recognised Twitter Account
Jake O'Donnell profiles the Tweeteoir behind Trinity GAA's infamous Twitter account.
Joint Physiotherapy Degree Between Singapore Institute of Technology and Trinity
Trinity's University Council has approved a joint BSc in physiotherapy between Trinity and Singapore Institute of Technology.
With 65 Sports Scholarships Announced, 50% Increase in Female Recipients
Trinity's Department of Sport announced the scholars tonight at the annual award ceremony in the Atrium.
Joint Masters with UCD Among High-Profile Courses Approved
Trinity to deliver MSc in Comparative Social Change with UCD. An MPhil in Philosophy was also approved.
Brí Nua le Fealsúnacht an Phiarsaigh: Saor agus Gaelach
Ag seiminéar dátheangach in Áiléar Eolaíochta Choláiste na Tríonóide pléadh cad is brí le Saor agus Gaelach i 2016.
Rory O’Neill, Peter McVerry and David Norris Among Those Set to Receive Honorary Degrees from Trinity
The degrees will be conferred in Trinity's Public Theatre on Friday, November 27th.