The third-level sector has seemingly finally reached the end of its tether.
Níl sé míréasúnta go mbeadh ar TCDSU agus GSU seasamh mar is ceart a ghlacadh ar an cheist seo.
The decision to take legal action is a logical move by the union.
Is loighciúil ciallmhar go bhfuil an aontas ag dul chun dlí.
It shouldn’t be too much to ask TCDSU and the GSU to form a coherent stance on Tobacco Free Trinity.
Ní féidir an locht a leagadh orthu siúd i dTuaisceart Éireann a bhfuil imníoch faoin teorainn ag cur isteach ar a n-oideachas.
Cuireann mic léinn an ghéarchéim tithíochta, ar chlár an rialtais den chéad uair riamh.
We seem to have reached an inflection point in the great accommodation debate.
College still has control of the agenda and, ultimately, the outcome.