As Fine Gael wavers over loans, USI should take the chance and call for an immediate decision on funding.
Níl Fine Gael róchinnte i dtaca le hiasachtaí agus mar sin, caithfidh Aontas na Mac Léinn an deis sin a thapú agus cinneadh a éileamh maidir le ceist an mhaonithe.
The College must immediately rectify a situation that sees its students on its Belfast campus without access to student support services.
The decision to remove pro-life posters will alienate people where good arguments could convince them.
Bhí Aontas na Mac Léinn in Éirinn buartha go gcaillfeadh sé a chuid stádas, gan mórán torthaí.
Tá seans go mbeadh an chéad ban-uachtarán san earnáil tríú leibhéal in Éirinn tofa ag Choláiste na Tríonóide i gceann cúig bliana.
This latest issue makes it clear that Trinity needs to invest in a college-wide overhaul of its antiquated administrative systems.
Despite nearly a decade to cope, Ireland’s universities have made little headway in addressing the accommodation crisis.
The higher education sector will be using Trinity’s reaction as an indicator of what the government may or may not tolerate.
Beidh an freagra a thugann Coláiste na Tríonóide mar chomhartha don earnáil a chinnfidh dearcadh na n-ollscoileanna eile sa tír.