Permission was refused over the visual impact of the street in a “conservation area” – but the street is crumbling and empty.
Coisceann caitheamh ónár gcinn cinntí gan tóir orthu idirghábháil de shaghas ar bith le foireann na hollscoile agus tuiscint ar atá ag tarlú .
To constantly dismiss Trinity’s unpopular decisions prevents any real engagement with the staff, or understanding of what’s going on.
Cothaíonn caidreamh naimhdeach dearmad ar mhic léinn, cé go bhfuil riachtanais acu, mar pháirtí leasmhar ar bith eile, ó choláistí.
An “us vs them” mentality can lead to students being dismissed, when they, like other stakeholders, have certain needs from colleges.
Student and university leaders need to make sure the public debate on higher education funding continues.
Is gá do cheannairí mac léinn agus na n-ollscoileanna cinntiú go leanfaidh an díospóireacht ar mhaoiniú ardoideachas.
There are many obstacles placed in the way of student protests, such as inexperience, but numbers is not one of them.
Is iomaí bacainní atá ag teorannú gluaiseachta na mac léinn, mar easpa taithí, ach níl méid daoine ina measc.
Is mór an cumas atá ag comhghuaillíocht idir na cúig cheardchumainn is mó san ardoideachas, ach caithfimid níos mó a lorg ná a dhearna siad le chéile roimhe sin.