Elections 2018
Few Shocks or Surprises, as Presidential Candidates Set Out Stalls
There were few missteps as candidates survived the first hustings on the Dining Hall steps.
Harty Issued a Minor Strike for Campaign Breach, as TCDSU Elections Begin
Presidential candidate Sean Ryan was also penalised by the Electoral Commission.
Dining Hall Hustings: A History
Re-instated this year, the Dining Hall Hustings have a rich history.
Dining Hall Hustings
TCDSU Elections Explained
Your one-stop guide to this year's campaign period.
The Honourable Reasons for Engaging in the TCDSU Elections
The student representatives you elect will be able to alter the course of many a matter.
Is Rud Onórach É a Bheith Rannpháirteach i dToghcháin TCDSU
Beidh tionchar ag ionadaí mic léinn a toghfar ar cúrsaí an choláiste agus cúrsaí níos leithne.
Two Contrasting Candidates, in the First Contested Editor Race
Two candidates with vastly different experience levels agree on the value of The University Times.
No Sugar-Coating for Sole Welfare Candidate
Running uncontested in a traditionally competitive race, James Cunningham wants to set his own agenda.
Communications Candidates Make Mountains Out of Marketing
This year's candidates are shifting the focus away from the communications element of the role.