
Trinity’s Forgotten World War II Hero

Trinity graduate Mary Elmes can be credited with preventing countless deaths during World War II and the Spanish Civil War.
By Stephen Smith

How Institutes of Technology Fell Out of Favour

Once, institutes of technology were seen as the future. Now, the government has decided they're barriers to progress.
By Aisling Marren

TCDSU Presidents Through the Decades

For the last 50 years, TCDSU and its presidents have been pushing progress forward in Ireland.
By Donal MacNamee

Pilgrimages and Pre-Drinks in Trinity Hall

Trinity Hall can be where campaigns are won and lost, as candidates try and win the hearts of hundreds of residents.
By Dominic McGrath

For Success, Candidates Must Embrace Activism

Campaigns such as TCD Plastic Free, Aramark Off Our Campus and Strike for Repeal will hope to play a big role in this year's TCSDU elections.
By Aisling Marren

Dining Hall Hustings: A History

Re-instated this year, the Dining Hall Hustings have a rich history.
By Aoife Kearins

Seventy-Five Years After a Famous Talk, Schrodinger is Still Teaching Trinity Lessons

Seventy-five years after the groundbreaking physicist's address in Trinity, Erwin Schrodinger's legacy still looms large over the College.
By Dillon Hennessy

For Indian Students, Community Comes with Culture

Coming to Ireland – and to Trinity – can often be a culture shock for Indian students.
By Sophie Andrews-McCarroll

Putting a Price on Trinity’s Research

The work of Trinity's Research Development Office can often go unthanked and unnoticed. But it is vital in securing Trinity's research funding.
By Jamie Sugrue

The Demise of Dublin University Press

The story of Trinity's printing press involves an enterprising woman, two fires and a mystery move off campus.
By Ivan Rakhmanin