
The Universities Fighting to Keep Free Speech Alive

As free speech becomes a flashpoint issue on campuses, academics and students worldwide are striving to combat its effect.
By Kathleen McNamee

Around the Country, Students Get Creative to Fight for Housing

Between occupations, court cases and camp-outs, student activists are stepping up to the mark in protest at the national accommodation crisis.
By Ciannait Khan

Trinity Students Aiming to Shine at Elon Musk’s Hyperloop Competition

Team Éirloop will be the first Irish team ever to compete in the SpaceX competition, which takes place in California.
By Edward O'Loughlin

Modest Max On 35 Years in the Kitchen

After more than three decades, Trinity’s Head Chef is retiring. He talks cooking, leadership – and the long hair that pushed him into the industry.
By Martha Lewis

How Trinity Embraced the KeepCup

The idea originated with student Joanne Coyle. Now, Trinity's staff and students are making coffee more sustainable.
By Ciannait Khan

In Northern Ireland, Activists Watch Repeal Vote Carefully

A repeal vote on Friday, activists say, could inject energy into the abortion rights campaign in Northern Ireland.
By Dominic McGrath

The Yes Campaign’s Guardian Angels

A new group of gentle vigilantes wants to protect vulnerable women from the pro-life groups targeting maternity hospitals.
By Ciannait Khan

The Trinity Duo Striking a Chord in the Music Industry

Neil Dunne and Zach Miller-Frankel are hoping their company can change the way the music industry operates.
By Edward O’Loughlin

Ceachtanna le Foghlaim ó Aontais na Mic Léinn Thar Lear agus a n-Obair le Mionteangacha

Is iomaí na aontais mic léinn timpeall an domhain atá ag obair chun mionteangacha a chothú. Tá ceacht le foghlaim astu ag TCDSU.
By Liam Ó Laochdha

Your Guide to Getting Registered and Voting in the Referendum

Time's almost up, but you still have one week left to register to vote on May 25th.
By Ciannait Khan