

Students with Disabilities Speak Out on Inadequate Accommodations on Campus

With lifts frequently broken, back to back day-long lectures, and disabled bathrooms locked, several students with disabilities have told The University Times that Trinity is not an accessible living or learning environment.
By Nicole Saluck

Ents Pav Takeover Saw Over 1,700 Students Party on the Cricket Pitch

Ents Officer Peadar Walsh speaks to The University Times about hosting the student bar's largest event on record.
By Freja Goldman

Eispéireas Europa: An tAontas Eorpach i gCroílár Bhaile Átha Cliath

D’oscail an ionad cuairteora idirghníomhach i rith mhí Dheireadh Fómhair.
By Abi Ní Mhuircheartaigh

Dúnadh Chlub Chonradh na Gaeilge – Ní Bhrón, ach Dóchas, atá ós ár gComhair Amach

Is brónach an scéal é go bhfuil an Club le dúnadh. Ach, idir dúnadh agus athoscailt, tá neart cúiseanna dóchais chomh maith ann, a scríobhann Seathrún Sardina.
By Seathrún Sardina

Cabinet Approves Legislation to Ban Disposable Vapes

The Irish government have approved legislation banning the use of disposable vapes.
By Alannah Wrynn

University Council Approves BDS Task Force Terms Following May’s Encampment

Trinity’s Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Taskforce Will Consist of 26 members, including students.
By Mercedes Hamilton

Palestinian Research Assistant Ezzeldeen Alswerky has Obtained Approval for his Irish Visa

The researcher who is contracted to work at Trinity has received no support from College outside of his supervisor's efforts.
By Isabella Roussel

First Council: Three Procedural Motions, Several Committees Elected, a Runtime of 2 Hours 45 Minutes

The first council of the academic year was cut short at two hours and 45 minutes, with no recess.

Protest Held in Dublin City Centre to Demand Government Support for Small Businesses Amidst High Number of Closures.

“Budget wins votes, destroys business!”
By Eve McGann

Trinity Withdrawal Rates Decrease Having Peaked Post-Pandemic

Withdrawal rates from the past four academic years at Trinity can be linked to country-wide trends, COVID-19, and budget issues. Non-progression rates are highest amongst disadvantaged students, at 23%, and the lowest amongst affluent students at 12%, according to HEA.
By Mercedes Hamilton