
Decision on Semester Two Format To Be Made on January 4th, Says College
The government has announced level-five restrictions starting Christmas Eve as coronavirus cases spike.

Work Experience Could Be Added to Leaving Cert Curriculum, Says Draft Report
The leaving certificate has come under criticism for becoming like an entrance exam to third-level.

Trinity Ents Raises Over €1,000 for the Peter McVerry Trust
Trinity Ents ran an online Trinity Christmas Ball last night in aid of the Peter McVerry Trust.

GSU Members Vote Down Motion to Contract Mazars for External Audit
The motion was met with sharp criticism from postgraduate students at the meeting.

GSU President’s Report Rejected After Questions Left Unanswered on PhD Survey
The report was defeated 14 to 13, after a debate around a PhD survey raised tensions in the meeting.

GSU Announces New Executive Officers at Long-Delayed AGM
No hustings were organised for contested positions, despite the GSU constitution stating they must be held.

TCDSU Launches Petition to Reduce the Student Contribution Fee
The petition was launched alongside USI’s 'Education for All' campaign.

Postgraduates Slam GSU Over AGM Election ‘Chaos’
The GSU constitution states that ‘a public hustings for postgraduates’ must be organised for contested officer races, but no such event was organised before the vote.

GSU Releases PhD Survey Data to Workers’ Rights Group After Months of Conflict
The GSU and TCD PhD Workers’ Rights Group have grappled over the release of results of a survey for the past few months.

Trinity Researchers Awarded €2.1m in COVID ‘Rapid Response’ Funds
The funding is part of government-funded €10.5 million investment into 39 research and innovation projects related to the coronavirus.