

College Reduces Maximum Sports Scholarship by €250

The scholarship also offers support services in sporting, academic and personal development.
By Aoife Kearins

College Will Not Test Students Travelling Home Who Do Not Meet HSE Criteria

The HSE has said that individuals will only be tested if they are symptomatic or are a close contact of a positive case.
By Sárán Fogarty

Vast Majority of Students Want More In-Person Activities, Says Provost

Provost Patrick Prendergast made a rare appearance at the TCDSU council meeting tonight.
By Sárán Fogarty

TCDSU to Set Up €20,000 Fund for Trans Students Undergoing Social Transition

The fund will pay for items such as a deed poll, a gender recognition certificate and makeup.
By Cormac Watson

TCDSU To Lobby For Better Working Conditions for Students on Placement

Student nurses and midwives on placement are currently unpaid.
By Sárán Fogarty

TCDSU Reps to Back Provost Candidate Based on Student-Wide Vote

TCDSU’s Electoral Commission will carry out a student-wide vote to determine students’ preferred candidate in the upcoming Provost elections.
By Emer Moreau

TCDSU Impeaches Student Parent Officer At Council

Secretary to Council Cian Walsh said that 'sufficient and significant attempts' were made to contact the officer.
By Emer Moreau

Trinity Ranks Highest in Proportion of Students From Affluent Areas

Data published by the Higher Education Authority today shows that College has the joint-fewest proportion of students from areas classed as ‘disadvantaged’.
By Emer Moreau

TTEC Now Called Trinity East, Says College

Earlier this month, College announced that it had submitted the planning application for its proposed Innovation Hub in the Grand Canal Dock.
By Cormac Watson

So Far, Four Contenders Confirmed as Applications for Provost Race Close

The deadline for applying to be Provost of Trinity closed today at 12pm.
By Emma Taggart