
Queen’s Investigates ‘Reckless’ Students Who Danced to ‘Rock the Boat’
Queen’s University Belfast is investigating a video that appears to show its students dancing to “Rock the Boat” without masks or social distancing.

Third-Level’s Future Uncertain After NPHET Recommends Move to Level Five
NPHET tonight recommended that the government place the country under level-five restrictions.

Proposed Changes to Schols Could See Most Exams Scrapped
The Senior Lecturer brought proposed changes to Schols to University Council last February.

Blanket Statements For All Universities ‘Unhelpful’, Says Provost
The presidents of Ireland's universities met the Minister for Higher Education Simon Harris today to discuss the crises facing third-level.

Some Students May Have to Defer College Place, Foley Says
It has been estimated that up to 1,000 additional third-level places may be necessitated by the errors.

Colleges May Need to Free Up 1,000 Places, Says Harris
Harris made the comments at the Fine Gael parliamentary party meeting last night.

Former Phil President Ryan Grunwell Elected Chair of CSC
Chair of Players Ultan Pringle was elected Secretary of the CSC.

The Leaving Certificate – Once Put to Bed – Rears Up Again
The government today announced that the results of some 6,500 students were incorrectly calculated.

College Will Facilitate Wrongly Graded Students If Govt Funds Places
College also said that students already admitted to Trinity under the calculated grades system will be able to remain in Trinity.

Students With Incorrect Grades Will Get Higher Preferences If Warranted
Mistakes in the calculated grades system have led to at least 7,200 students receiving incorrect grades.