If a staff or student develops symptoms while on campus, they will be sent to designated isolation rooms.
By Emer Moreau
Students will have to wear face masks during all teaching events, in the Library and in other public spaces.
By Cormac Watson
PhD students said that they have felt left out of the plans to reopen the College.
By Cormac Watson
D'fhoilsigh an Coimisinéir Teanga tuarascáil inniu, a léirigh nach raibh ach 53 faoin gcéad de chomharthaí na n-ollscoileanna ag cloí le hAcht na dTeanga oifigiúla.
By Jennifer Ní Chiara
Allwright is a fellow emeritus and former College Registrar.
By Sárán Fogarty
Previously, asylum seekers would have to have spent three year in Irish schools or have completed the leaving certificate to qualify for a grant.
By Sárán Fogarty
From today, face coverings are mandatory in shops and indoor public places in Ireland.
By Emer Moreau
Yesterday, PhD students said that they feared entering the library due to the lack of students wearing face masks.
By Cormac Watson
Face coverings are not currently mandatory in the library, but students are being told to observe social distancing rules.
By Cormac Watson
The guidelines were published on Wednesday and endorsed by the Irish Universities Association.
By Cormac Watson