
Tricky Questions Raised at Board Review Open Forum
The open forum took place over Zoom, at which the Provost and the chair of the Board Review Working Group fielded questions.

Discrimination and Apathy: Students Describe Culture of Racism on Campuses
Across Irish campuses, black students face incidents of racism – sometimes at the hands of staff – which are not dealt with.

Freshers’ Week to Begin a Week Later Than Planned
The new date means that incoming freshers will start classes a week later than other years.

Students to Receive Timetables in Mid-September
Vice-Provost Jürgen Barkhoff said that campus will remain closed to the general public until at least September 28th.

Leaving Certificate Results to be Released on September 7th
The new release date is three weeks later than when results are usually announced.

Government Launches New Strategy for Further Education and Training
The new strategy sets out a five-year road map for the sector.

Prof Daire Keogh Takes the Reins as DCU President
He takes over from Prof Brian MacCraith, who served as president of the university for a decade.

Student Accommodation May be Temporarily Used for Co-Living
Dublin City Council has said that such a conversion would be 'appropriate' as students prepare to attend lectures online.

College Campus to Reopen for Staff on August 10th
Head of Estates and Facilities Brendan Leahy announced that a phased reopening of campus for staff would begin on July 20th.

UCDSU Hits Out at ‘Over Ambitious’ Reopening Plans
The university has said that undergraduates will spend between 40 to 60 per cent of their normal schedule in classrooms next year.