
College Moves Four Exams Beyond Designated Exam Period Amid Technical Fears
Four exams were moved due to concerns that Blackboard servers could be overloaded by too many students sitting exams at the same time.

Professional Staff to Have Chance of Career Progress, After New Policy Greenlit
Board last month approved a new policy – contentious for months – that will allow progressions to go ahead for many non-academic staff.

Trinity Researchers Highlight Role of Vitamin D in Coronavirus Severity
The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, based in Trinity, recommended that nursing home residents take vitamin D supplements.

Trinity 14th in University Rankings for Achieving UN Sustainability Goals
Trinity has ranked in the top 14 universities worldwide for its work work towards meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Explainer: Here Are the Supports You Can Make Use of Mid-Coronavirus
We're all working remotely, but Trinity is running a number of online resources to help students through the pandemic.

Printing House Square ‘Very Unlikely’ to Open by Start of Next Year
Dean of Students Kevin O'Kelly said the €62 million complex is unlikely to be ready to admit students by the start of the next academic year.

‘Too Early to Say’ if €29m Recruitment Drive Will Proceed, Says Trinity
College has not decided whether to proceed with a plan to reduce its staff–student ratio, after a recruitment freeze was implemented last week.

Students Will Be Asked to Sign ‘Honour Declaration’ Ahead of Summer Exams
Senior Lecturer Kevin Mitchell told students that ‘it is essential that you submit your own original work for all assessments’.

Trinity Graduate Part of University Challenge-Winning Team
Conor McMeel from Lucan took the top prize on the BBC quiz show, on a team representing Imperial College London.

Trinity Professor Warns: Adults With Intellectual Disabilities Need More Care
Prof Mary McCarron said people with intellectual disabilities ‘are not getting enough attention’ amid the coronavirus pandemic.