
Health Science Schools Aim for Athena SWAN
All four health science schools will apply for the award this academic year.

For the Second Year, No Students to Be Housed in Rubrics
While seven staff members reside in the Rubrics, renovations to the building mean no students will live there this year.

Freshers’ Orientation Programme Extended Over 12 Weeks
The programme will run over the first 12 weeks of term and will be delivered by Student to Student mentors.

Don Panoz, Major Trinity Donor, Dies Aged 83
The American entrepreneur moved to Ireland in 1969, and has Trinity's Panoz Institute named after him.

Trinity Student Released, After Arrest at North Frederick St Eviction
Six housing protestors were arrested after the eviction of an occupation on North Frederick St.

Trinity ELSA is No More
Trinity European Law Students Association has lost recognition from the CSC after its accounts were deemed unsatisfactory.

USI Launches Free Healthcare Initiative
VideoDoc is an online healthcare service available to students seven days a week through the Union of Students' in Ireland.

New Online Course Will Allow Public to Study Book of Kells
Aimed at people with an interest in Irish history, art and religion, the new four-week course will commence on October 8th.

Three Science Buildings to be Demolished to Make Way for E3 Institute
The old biochemistry building, Robert’s Laboratory and the PC huts are scheduled for demolition next summer.

With TSM Overhaul, Several Subject Combinations Discontinued
Psychology and Early Irish courses will no longer be available for joint-honours combinations.