
Ascough and Cahill Clash on Eighth Amendment
The USI President-elect Síona Cahill debated Katie Ascough on RTÉ radio this morning.

Trinity Top College for Sustainable Transport
Ninety seven per cent of staff and students opt for walking, cycling or public transport.

HEA Faces ‘Risks’ Under New Data Protection Rules
The Higher Education Authority could face challenges collecting data from Irish colleges under stricter data protection laws.

Disadvantaged Students Half as Likely to Progress in College
Students from DEIS schools had a non-progression rate of 19 per cent, according to new figures from the Higher Education Authority.

Trinity to Host Conference on Religion in Primary Schools
The conference comes amid a wider debate about 'baptism barriers' in Irish schools.

Go Home to Canvass, Say Students’ Union Leaders
USI is asking students to head home and canvass for repeal.

Trinity and Trade Unions Clash Over Earlier Term Date
SIPTU has accused Trinity of failing to engage with staff over the Trinity Education Project.

Government Commits €415m for National Training Fund in 2018
The announcement comes as the review of the fund continues.

Trinity Nobel Laureate Joins 1,200 Scientists Calling for Repeal
Leading Trinity researchers Luke O’Neill, Orla Hardiman and Tomás Ryan all signed a public letter calling for repeal.

Trinity Teams Up With UCDSU For Disability Rights Seminar
The seminar will be attended by government minister Finian McGrath and will explore political representation for people with disabilities.