The project was launched in the Science Gallery today by Minister for Mental Health and Older People, Helen McEntee.
By Dominic McGrath
The zones, which include the Health Centre, Sports Centre and Arts Block, are the result of a three-year process.
By Sinéad Baker
Paper prepared in the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform suggests €1,000 fee increase not sufficient to remedy higher education funding crisis.
By Chris McMahon
The Rita and John Cornforth Award 2016, which recognises collaborative work within chemistry and the life sciences, was awarded jointly to Prof John Kelly alongside colleagues from the University of Reading and University College Dublin.
By Aoife O'Donoghue
Ruane will continue in many aspects of her role, but will pass some responsibilities to Molly Kenny, TCDSU Education Officer.
By Dominic McGrath and Edmund Heaphy
Researchers at Trinity’s CRANN Institute make discovery that significantly reduces cost of splitting the water molecule.
By Róisín Power
In the Facebook posts, Dr Clemens Ruthner quoted answers given by students in the german cultural history exam taken by second-year students.
By Dominic McGrath
The room will be vastly improved as a lecture space, and will still be available for society use, College has said.
By Edmund Heaphy
Decision on funding model for third level to become remit of cross-party Oireachtas committee.
By Edmund Heaphy and Sinéad Baker
New policy will see sabbatical officers signing documents in relation to what is expected of them as employees of the union.
By Edmund Heaphy and Sinéad Baker