Comment & Analysis

Why We Protest Prime Ministers and How Identity Politics Are Weaponised
Organisers of the recent Theresa May protest explain the reasons for their actions in opposition to British imperialism.

Waiting for Goliath: America’s Future on the World Stage
The consequences of the U.S.’ U-turn in foreign policy on international affairs.

Creating a Healthier Campus: The Push for a Smoke-Free Trinity and its Implications on Student Life
Even when health concerns are significant, the ultimate decision lies with the individual and their autonomy, creating a difficult balance that seems impossible to be met.

Protest or Misogyny
Lily Scanlan comments on misguided sexism behind the backlash to Theresa May’s Lawsoc visit.

Tá Líon Mór Daltaí Meánscoile ag Déanamh Staidéar ar Theangacha Seachas an Ghaeilge
Conas is féidir é seo a réitiú?

Mandatory Lecture Recordings Fail Us All
College should not mandate lecture recordings. To do so would be anti-worker and anti-student. The call to demand lecture recordings lacks nuance. There is a better way.

The Internet Has No Borders — Until It Does: TikTok and the Limits of Digital Freedom
Amy Wei on digital borders, platform migration, and the paradox of American tech policy.

Corporate Presence or Cultural Erosion? Navigating Ireland’s Low Tax Rates and American Influence
To gauge broader student perspectives on the issue, The University Times spoke to a number of Trinity students about America’s large corporate presence in Ireland.

TCDSU has Always Been Political – and it Should Stay that Way
TCDSU has always been political; whether that remains the case hinges on a greater tradition - a responsiveness to its members.

Beware – the TCDSU Election has Begun
I’d recommend adding an extra five minutes to your commute to college to avoid enthusiastic students that are vying for your vote