Comment & Analysis

Don’t Let Zoom Replace the Classroom
The widespread adoption of “remote learning” takes the wrong lesson from Covid.

Irish Colonialism is the Best Way to Save the Irish language
A look at how language change has historically occurred, and how this can inform the Irish cause

The Student Union’s Proposed Constitutional Amendments are Pointless
The Student Union has been in conflict with their own constitution for a while, but finally they wish to conform back to the rule of law. Ironically, by changing the law.

Democracy – Where the West Went Wrong
Democracy is regarded as one of the most valuable achievements of society - and never supposed to be taken as an end goal.

Irish, the Language that Just Won’t Die – as Much as the Government Wishes it Would
Adam Mac Phiaraic discusses the status of the language in the 21st Century.

How Does America’s Far-Right Affect Us?
Is the Irish far-right looking to the US for help, or are American extremists hoping to sow division abroad?

Heritage is Privilege: Why White Americans Should Stop Talking About Ancestry
Amy Wei on why Americans should trade their loud claims of Irish roots for a quieter respect.

“Can we connect?” – While People Can Certainly Try to Connect, LinkedIn Won’t Help.
While it may be true that the Irish job market is looking tumultuous, is LinkedIn truly going to give you the edge?

Schols: Academic Competition or Unnecessary Stress?
Ella Chepak investigates if the pressure of the scholarship exams rewards academic merit or is just an extra hurdle in an already demanding university environment.