Comment & Analysis


All of Ireland’s Universities Must Face Brexit Together

Anne Fuchs argues that Brexit offers opportunities on both sides of the border.
By Anne Fuchs

Becoming an Effective Activist

Ciannait Khan argues that students need to be ambitious in their activism and not shy away from the big issues.
By Ciannait Khan

The Modern Scourge of the Voice Message

Ciannait Khan questions why we've all suddenly become obsessed with voice messages.
By Ciannait Khan

Higher Education’s Long March to Funding is Far From Over

Where there once was panic, we now have inertia, when it comes to higher education funding.
By Dominic McGrath

A Post-Brexit Future Needs Versatile Graduates

The President of DIT, Brian Norton, argues that the challenges of Brexit means Ireland's graduates need to be more flexible than ever.
By Brian Norton

Níor Fiú an Phobalbreith an Rí-Rá

Chruthaigh pobalbreith neamhriachtanach tinneas cinn do TCDSU.

Ag Troid i gCoinne Chiapadh Gnéis agus ‘Nuacht Bhréagach’

Sa bhliain 2018, ní raibh Toghcháin d’Aontas na Mac Léinn i gColáiste na Tríonóide in ann éalú ó treocht na sochaí.

The Preferendum That Wasn’t Worth the Rigmarole

A somewhat unnecessary preferendum nearly became a huge headache for TCDSU.
By The Editorial Board

Contending With Sexual Harassment and Howls of ‘Fake News’

The 2018 TCDSU elections were not exempted from society’s wider shifts.
By The Editorial Board

Jane Ohlmeyer is an Academic Unafraid of Trinity’s Political Tightrope

She's a master of the arts, the face of Irish research and her friends call her a visionary. Is there any stopping Jane Ohlmeyer?
By Ellen McLean