Comment & Analysis

Do You Know What You’re Doing Next Year? Me Neither
Louise Lawless praises degrees that don’t pigeonhole students.

Yes, Let’s Double Science Funding. But Why Not Arts Too?
Calls for more science funding are a reminder of the unequal research funding landscape.

Beneath Pledges of Post-Brexit Unity, Worries of Disorder for Third-Level
The higher education sector needs guarantees to allay fears about the post-Brexit higher education landscape.

Why I Decided to Remove My Hijab
Yasmine Tadjine writes about how a physical attack forced her to re-think hijab – and why she misses it.

A Reminder That Increased Fees Aren’t The Only Solution to The Crisis
The consensus among university heads could conceal the fact that debate about the matter is still very much ongoing.

Too Much of the Technological University Process is ‘Wait and See’
We still have no idea how these super institutions will contribute to Ireland’s already underfunded third-level sector.

Beidh ar Shinn Féin an Fharraige a Thaoscadh Maidir Leis an 8ú Leasú
Bíodh ag faire amach d’aighneas i measc polaiteoirí agus vótóirí san athbhliain.

Deis í Bhliain na Gaeilge Chun Smaoineamh Siar agus Brú a Chur ar an Rialtas Arís
Ba chóir go mbeimís ag díriú ár n-aird ar an dúshlán tábhachtach atá romhainn agus muidne ag lorg maoiniú cuí agus cóir ón rialtas.

Be a Little Kinder in 2018
Louise Lawless writes that, as we ponder new year's resolutions, we should all try and do something that makes a difference.

We Want to Preserve Our Irish Connection Post-Brexit
Francis Campbell, the Vice-Chancellor of St Mary's University Twickenham, writes about the importance of maintaining links between Ireland and the UK.