Comment & Analysis

Let’s Have More Engagement From Lecturers
In Trinity, we have world-leading lecturers with so much to give. Wouldn't increased student-lecturer contact make College a better place?

How to Handle the Holidays
Christmas isn't always fun. But there's support available.

We Need An Ever Closer Union Between Ireland and the UK
Tim Blackman, the Vice-Chancellor of Middlesex University London, argues we need to re-think the relationship between Ireland and the UK.

Is Having a Part-time Job a Blunder in Final Year?
Do the merits of juggling a job with final-year exam stress outweigh the negatives, asks Julieanne Corr.

Irish and UK Academics are Better Together
Brexit shouldn't divide the academic ties that bind us, writes the Vice-Chancellor of Bangor University.

Tim Trimble is Keeping Students on the Right Side of the Law
Despite being a former member of the RUC, Trinity's Junior Dean is no fan of punishing students.

Twelve Pubs is a Christmas Curse on All Bar Staff
Isla Hoe argues that the 12 pubs tradition is a damnable Christmas folly.

The End of TSM Won’t Change Very Much
Trinity’s reluctance to change TSM explains why it has been dragging its feet on entry route reform.

There Are Weeks Until a Referendum. Keep Repeal the Priority
If an imminent repeal referendum isn’t TCDSU’s priority, what should be?

Trinity’s Mollycoddling Doesn’t Benefit Students
Room checks, safety talks and stern lectures about bringing guests back only serve to infantalise students, writes Ciannait Khan.