Comment & Analysis


Baintear an Bhonn ó Dheighilt idir Mic Léinn agus Stát le hÉileamh ar Chuideachtaí Oideachas a Mhaoiniú

Tá tobhaigh ar fhostóirí agus cánacha ar bhrabúis ag iontráil sa lárshruth mar bhealach inghlactha chun ardoideachas a mhaoiniú.

Calls for Corporations to Fund Education Shows the Old Student Versus State Mentality is Being Eroded

Taxes on profits and employer levies are entering the mainstream as an acceptable way to fund higher education.
By The Editorial Board

Assessing the Use of Prescriptive Medication as a Study Aid

Prescriptive medication can be enticing as a study aid, and there are a multitude of opinions as to whether or not they are acceptable.
By Molly Flynn

What College Degrees Mean for Millennials, and How Colleges Can Respond Better

In a world that’s changing so rapidly – growing, morphing and expanding at an incomprehensible speed – how can college degrees keep up?
By Ruby Smyth

Ní Feidir Freagracht do Chomhionannas Inscne a Ligint ar Leataobh Sráide

Tá sé ráite ag Coláiste na Tríonóide nár dócha go gceapfaí iad leas-uachtarán do chomhionannas inscne, ach b’fhéidir nach ndéanfar faic má thabharfar an fhreagracht do oifigigh gnóthacha.

Trinity Needs to Ensure that Gender Equality is Given the Focus it Requires

If there is to be no vice-president for gender equality, Trinity needs to ensure that the issue is still properly addressed.
By The Editorial Board

Tá Cinneadh ar Mhaoiniú Tar Éis na Géarchéime Buntáisteach do Mhic Léinn

Agus mic léinn as láthair sna hinstitiúidí, is beag comhghuaillithe a bheadh ann ag teacht na deise deireanaí córas iasachtai a bhacadh.

For Students, a Decision on Funding Coming After the Summer is an Advantage

With students gone from institutions, there would be few allies around for the last chance to stop a loan-based system being introduced.
By The Editorial Board

The Timely Reform of Irish Arts Degrees

UCD and Maynooth University are planning to reform their arts degree programmes. The aim? To give arts students the skills they're often mocked for not having.
By Simon Foy

Our Approach to Obesity Needs to be More Compassionate

Dr Francis Finucane, a consultant endocrinologist in Galway University Hospitals and honorary senior lecturer in NUI Galway, argues for a different treatment of obesity.
By Francis Finucane