Comment & Analysis


With More Young Voters Registered, What Impact Can They Actually Have?

After significant voter registration drives before the marriage equality referendum and recent similar pushes, how
By Chris McMahon

Student Elections Matter, Even if Not for All the Right Reasons

Even if you dislike everything about the TCDSU elections and the associated madness, there may still be one policy, person, or funky t-shirt that speaks to you.
By Ellen Orchard

One Week into Elections, Landscape of Some Races has Changed Dramatically

Eleanor O'Mahony, who is co-leading this year's election coverage, notes the reorienting of races.
By Eleanor O'Mahony

Without Investment in Third-Level, Ireland’s Long-Term Prosperity is in Danger

Stephen Donnelly, co-leader of the Social Democrats, argues that politicians must pay greater attention to student concerns.
By Stephen Donnelly

Higher Education Needs To Be Talked About By Party Leaders

Christopher McMahon argues that higher education is too important an issue not to be discussed by party leaders, following the televised debate last night.
By Christopher McMahon

UCD Porn Ring Just Another Blow to Equality

Paige Reynolds argues that examples of misogyny have become so commonplace that we aren't even shocked anymore.
By Paige Reynolds

A Reflection on the Campaign Balances as First Week Nears Close

Conor Parle, Polling Editor of The University Times, reflects on the first three days of campaigning.
By Conor Parle

The Role of The University Times in College, as TCDSU Elections Progress

Niamh Egleston looks at the role of The University Times, from the perspective of staff and students, and speaks to the sole candidate for editor, Sinéad Baker
By Niamh Egleston

Knowing More and How it Makes us Get Out and Live Less

Paige Reynolds argues that too much information too freely available removes all the mystery of life.
By Paige Reynolds

The Parallel Issues Facing Voters in the General and TCDSU Elections

To a very large extent, national issues will be to the fore in this year's TCDSU elections.
By The Editorial Board