Laura Harmon argues that Ireland’s voting process is outdated, unwieldy, and puts people off registering to vote.
By Laura Harmon
Tá teorainn ar an gColáiste de thoradh ar easpa maoinithe, ach taispeánann a chúrsaí nua go bhfuileadar go fóill i mbun nuálaíochta.
Ní thógann mórán daoine faoi ndeara an chúis go mothaíonn mic léinn neamh-EU ar nós “saoránaithe ar an dara grád”.
Trinity may be restricted by an unsustainable funding shortfall, but its new courses show the College is continuing to innovate.
By The Editorial Board
Many fail to think about why non-EU students feel like “second-class citizens”.
By The Editorial Board
A balanced approach to the internet is not a phone in each hand.
By Elizabeth Quinn
Aisling Curtis argues that, while gender equality in higher academic positions is poor worldwide, Trinity really needs to improve.
By Aisling Curtis
Paige Reynolds argues that the stigma attached to male vanity exacerbates other body image problems.
By Paige Reynolds
Peter Weakliam examines the unique benefits afforded to the Irish speaker.
By Peter Weakliam
There is no logical reason for TCDSU to vote against a mandate.
By Daniel O'Brien