The leaving certificate crisis hurts everyone – but above all it sheds lights on what is a profoundly damaged third-level sector, writes Orla Murnaghan.
By Orla Murnaghan
Tráthnóna Aoine, d’fhógair an rialtas go mbeidh ar institiúdí ardoideachais ar fad bogadh ar líne.
By The Editorial Board
An tseachtain seo dúirt an CSC go mbeadh an CGB ar líne, in ainneoin a rá roimhe seo go mbeadh sé seo míbhunreachtúil.
By The Editorial Board
On Friday evening, the government announced all higher-education institutions would have to move online.
By The Editorial Board
The CSC this week said that it would hold its AGM online, despite previously stating that this would be unconstitutional.
By The Editorial Board
The third-level sector has been starved of funding for years now, but students shouldn’t be forced to compensate for this during a pandemic, writes Rose Conway-Walsh.
By Rose Conway-Walsh
Once students are inside the college grounds, often following lengthy procedures, there are plenty of hurdles, writes Niamh Elliott-Sheridan.
By Niamh Elliott-Sheridan
D’fhógair an IUA an tseachtain seo go mbeidh ranganna atá le bheith á mhúineadh go pearsanta amháin ag fanacht ar champas.
By The Editorial Board
This week a student who said they were showing symptoms of coronavirus was told to leave campus accommodation.
By The Editorial Board
The IUA this week announced that only classes that had to be taught in person would remain on campus.
By The Editorial Board