Between the strain caused by the cancellation of the freshers' fair to the shifting of events to online platforms, societies have a bumpy road ahead of them, writes Mairead Maguire.
By Mairead Maguire
D’fhógair an tAire Ardoideachais Simon Harris an tairiscint do shé fhoirgneamh ardoideachais nua an tseachtain seo.
Beidh linn snámha na Trionóide dúnta ar feadh i bhfad, ag í feitheamh ar obair dheisiúcháin.
Higher Education Minister Simon Harris announced the tender for six new higher education buildings this week.
By The Editorial Board
Trinity’s swimming pool has now been closed indefinitely, awaiting repairs.
By The Editorial Board
Níl gá d’iarrthóirí tearmainn Ardteist a bheith acu a thuilleadh chun cáiliú do dheontais choláiste.
Rinne mic léinn PhD gearán an tseachtain seo maidir le heaspa cumarsáide ón gcoláiste ó thaobh na hathoscailte de.
Asylum seekers will no longer need to have completed the leaving certificate to qualify for a college grant.
By The Editorial Board
PhD students complained this week about a lack of communication from College surrounding the reopening.
By The Editorial Board
Is beag an t-iontas an nuacht gur sháraigh ceithre ollscoil Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúila, dar le Malachi Ó Marcaigh.
By Malachi Ó Marcaigh