Comment & Analysis

The Education Departments Were Uncoordinated Last Week. Best Not Let it Fester
Last week saw startling announcements from Higher Education Minister Simon Harris.

Outrage Over Timetables in NUIG and UCD May Be a Sign of the Times for Trinity
Students expressed anger this week in UCD and NUIG over the number of in-person teaching hours they will have.

The Skill of Socialising in Distanced Times
Making friends can be difficult, but we can't expect fate to simply bestow them upon us in a post-lockdown world, writes Aoibh Ní Chroimín.

Caithfidh an CSC Cúitigh le Cumainn Toisc Cealú Aonach na bhFreisir
Meastar go bhfuil ag leanúint leis an aonaigh fhisiciúil “neamhréadúil” leis na treoirlínte sláinte phoiblí atá ann faoi láthair.

Tá an Trionóid Lárnach san Imdhíoneolaíocht. Is gá di dul i gCeannas ar Thástáil
An tseachtain seo, mhol imdhíoneolaí na Trionóide Luke O’Neill don Choláiste tosú ar thástáil don fhoireann agus do mhic léinn dhá uair sa tseachtain.

Next Year Will Be Like No Other. Registration Fees Should Reflect This
Students go to college to learn face to face with lecturers – not over Zoom. Charging them the full registration fee is unfair, writes Eimear Finan.

To Protect Societies, the CSC Must Compensate for Cancelling the Freshers’ Fair
Operating the physical fair has been deemed “unrealistic” given current public health guidelines.

Trinity is at the Heart of Immunology. It Needs to Take a Lead on Testing
Trinity immunologist Luke O’Neill this week advised College to begin testing staff and students twice weekly.

Societies are Central to Trinity Life. The Coronavirus Will Challenge This
Between the strain caused by the cancellation of the freshers' fair to the shifting of events to online platforms, societies have a bumpy road ahead of them, writes Mairead Maguire.

Deá-scéal atá sna sé Fhoirgneamh Choláiste nua do Pháirtithe Leasmhara Tríú-Leibhéal
D’fhógair an tAire Ardoideachais Simon Harris an tairiscint do shé fhoirgneamh ardoideachais nua an tseachtain seo.