Is ball é Patrick Prendergast de ghrúpa oibre a mhol athruithe a bhí ina údar imní do mhórán daoine maidir le neamhspleáchas an Choláiste.
Aoibh Ní Chroimín on the value of perusing the local in lockdown – and the prospect of a joyful reunion with Dublin when it ends.
By Aoibh Ní Chroimín
Patrick Prendergast is a member of a working group proposing changes that many fear could jeopardise Trinity’s independence.
By The Editorial Board
Prof Eunan O'Halpin, a two-time member of College Board, says history does not support the ideas underpinning proposed alterations to Board.
By Eunan O'Halpin
Tá an Tríonóid ag smaoineamh ar léachtaí móra a bhogadh ar líne mar thoradh ar phaindéim an choróinvíris.
An tseachtain seo bhagair Propast Patrick Prendergast go bhféadfadh an Coláiste €120 milliún a chailliúint mar gheall ar an bpaindéim choróinvíris.
Bhí fearg ar mhic léinn i Halla na Tríonóide faoin gcostas a bhainfeadh le fanacht sa lóistín.
Students in Halls were outraged at nightly charges to remain in accommodation, and by a proposal to move those staying into one block.
By The Editorial Board
Provost Patrick Prendergast this week warned Trinity could lose up to €120 million as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
By The Editorial Board
Trinity is considering moving large lectures online as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
By The Editorial Board