Comment & Analysis

In College, Diet Coke Has Been My Constant Companion. It Will be Again
We're in scary times, but they're only temporary. Take comfort: the hiss of a Diet Coke can will again soundtrack our college lives, writes Eimear Finan.

Dear Leaving Cert Commentariat: We’re in a Pandemic. It’s Not About You
Compelled to comment on the leaving certificate, despite sitting the exams years ago? You’re betraying a lot about yourself, writes Faye Curran.

Alcohol-Free Student Accommodation May Do More Harm Than Good
Alcohol-free student accommodation, while well intentioned, creates a myriad of problems, writes Christopher Dignam.

In the Chaos of Coronavirus, Human Kindness Wins Out
Orla Murnaghan argues that the coronavirus is bringing many people together – and we must embrace a better vision of humanity.

Nocht an Phráisc Lóistín Lucht Riarachán na Tríonóide sa Bhealach is Measa
Bhí cáineadh géar tuillte ag an gColáiste as ucht mic léinn a dhíbirt gan mórán feasa roimh ré.

Ditching Orals and Practicals Has Been Divisive. The Consequences Will Be Far-Reaching
The repercussions of scrapping orals and practicals could be massive for future college students, writes Aisling Marren.

An Accommodation Debacle That Showed Trinity’s Administration at its Worst
Trinity came in for ferocious criticism for turfing students out of its accommodation with scant notice.

Le Mic Léinn Á nDíbirt, Tá an Coláiste ag Dul sa Seans
Is deacar cinneadh an Choláiste gan móran feasa a thabhairt dá gcónaitheoirí a thuiscint.

By Forcing Students to Leave, Trinity is Knowingly Throwing Them to the Winds
College’s decision to give its student residents so little notice of their eviction is hard to fathom.

Éacht Déanta ag an gColáiste le Ceist an Choróinvíris – Ach Dúshláin Le Sárú
Is beag cinnteacht atá bainteach leis an gColáiste sa ré seo.