Comment & Analysis

Consent is a Human Right. It Should Not be an Issue for Debate
Consent, writes Aoife Kearins, is a fundamental thing we are all entitled to. It's not something that should be up for any debate.

Cliona O’Farrelly Has a Thousand Interests. Trinity is at the Heart of Everything
Prof Cliona O'Farrelly is a Trinity institution. For her, it's Trinity's collegiate atmosphere that sets it apart.

People with Special Needs Deserve Respect. Newspapers Must Take Note
Newspapers wield considerable influence – they must be careful to write in a respectful way, writes Julie Leenane

Céim Chun Tosaigh don Chomhionannas Inscne, Sáraithe ag Ceisteanna faoin Modh
Tá ceisteanna fós le freagairt faoin bpróiséas inar cheap an Choláiste an leas-propast chomhlach ar son comhionannais, ilchineálachta agus iomchuimsithe.

Brexit Will Damage Scottish Universities, But We’re Fighting Back
The ability of Scottish universities to attract the brightest and best – including Irish students – is under threat, writes Liam McCabe.

Bille Modúlach Ar Ais Arís, Tá Fáilte Mhór Roimhe
Is cosúil go bhfuil foinse eile maoinithe aimsithe ag an gColáiste do chóras a chabhróidh le saoil na mac léinn.

A Good Move for Gender Equality, Overshadowed by Questions of Method and Motive
Questions remain about the process by which College appointed its new associate vice-provost for equality, diversity and inclusion.

Modular Billing, Back from the Dead, is a Welcome Re-Addition to Trinity
Trinity appears to have found an alternative source of funding for a system that will help students lives.

We Need to Talk About Suicide
Suicide is a crisis that is robbing people of their futures, and we need to start acting accordingly, writes Alex Connolly.

Meet Prof Brian Singleton, the Most Famous Name in Scholarly Theatre
Brian Singleton, a Eurovision fanatic, is an encyclopaedia on theatre. But students are what matters to him most of all.