Caity Cassidy reviews the new weekly singles event that's taking Dublin by storm.
By Caity Cassidy
Molly Wetsch reviews Rooney's latest runaway success, declaring it a triumph.
By Molly Wetsch
Speaking with
Eve Smith interviews Farah Nabulsi about sharing Palestinian stories through cinema.
By Eve Smith
Ag Cur na Gaeilge Chun Cinn i mBealach Éagsúil
By Gerard Loscher
Speaking with
Clara Potts interviews fashion cum costume designer Amie Egan after her recent partnerships with Irish creatives Isadora Epstein, Frank Sweeney, Eimear Walshe, and Sonia Shiel.
By Clara Potts
Rosie Fogarty outlines the best places to shop, from Trinity Halls to markets.
By Rosie Fogarty
A consideration of the term 'music city’ (posited by Shain Shapiro) and its implementation in Dublin. Does the city support its artists, and does it use music to effectively help the economy?
By Erin Keenan
Her new novel, Intermezzo, attracted a captivated crowd.
By Ila Raso
Amelia Sikora recommends ten books to soothe your soul this September.
By Amelia Sikora
Eve Smith writes that the Goldman Case is a quietly polished film that explores the danger that comes with viewing any one person or institution as inherently neutral.
By Eve Smith