The week-long reign of the Trinity Arts Festival (TAF) on campus has come to an end. The past week has seen amazing celebrations of art in all of its varying forms. Ranging from art gallery tours to a talk on art and propaganda, there truly was something for every art-loving student of Trinity. TAF was not only a celebration of art, but the different artistic talents of Trinity students. There truly was no better way to end such a week than having the Trinitones play the week off and bid TAF a goodbye until next year.
The Trinitones are a prime example of Trinity students showcasing and celebrating their talents. In the past year, the Trinitones have toured Australia, released music videos and have even played at Festivals such as Electric Picnic. The Trinitone’s frontman Andy Keenan explained how performances at home in Trinity can often be more intimate than performing off campus, but that they’re immensely enjoyable.
The Chapel plays host to many different types of concerts and musical performances, and Keenan joked that it’s almost like a second home for the Trinitones because they play there so often. Jokes aside, Keenan describes the Chapel as a “special space” where the group is privileged to play so regularly.
Outside the Chapel, preparations could be heard and seen for tonight’s celebration of the 10-year anniversary of the Science Gallery. Despite the ruckus outside on Front Square, the Trinitones still managed to capture the interests of the audience.
Starting with an energetic rendition of “Signed, Sealed, Delivered”, the Trinitones set an upbeat and playful tone for the rest of their set. Although each performance can be praised for their pristine vocals, a stand out performance of the evening was “Human”, sung by Matthew Douglas as he was supported by the rest of the group in a flood of brilliant harmonies.
A comedic performance of “In the Still of the Night” by Zach Miller Frankel had audience members simultaneously swooning and in stitches as he wandered out into the audience and serenaded a lucky few in the first row. Douglas then took the lead again for “Danny Boy” – a classic that the Trinitones always do justice to.
Joking about celebrating the bromance in the group just before Valentine’s Day, Neil Dunne sang “I Love You Baby” as the rest of the group harmonised and imitated playing the saxophone, replicating the original song by Frank Sinatra.
Much to the disappointment of the audience, the performance eventually had to come to an end. Standing together, in a group-wide embrace, they sang “the Auld Triangle”, as they often do at the end of their sets. And with the end of the performance came the end of the TAF day events.
TAF may be ending for another year, but the week-long event hopes to artistically inspire and leave a lasting effect on the students of Trinity.
The Trinity Arts Festival official wrap party will be taking place tonight in the Generator.