A Beginner’s Guide to Irish Politics

Irish politics is in many ways unique, with names, practices and structures that will be new to many of you starting your journey in Trinity. With that in mind, this guide will hopefully be a helpful introductory tool so you can follow politics in Ireland as we approach a general election during this academic year.
By Theo Puech

Cá Suíonn an Ghaeilge maidir leis an Pholaitíocht?

Déanann Niamh Leddy Iniúchadh ar áit na Gaeilge sa Pholataíocht.
By Niamh Leddy

Ní mór don Cholásite Ainm Nua a Bhronnadh ar Shean-Leabharlann Berkeley go Pras

Le níos mó ná bliain go leith caite ón gcinnneadh an t-ainm Berkley a bhaint ón leabharlann, tá cuma ar an scéal nach bhfuil an coláiste in ann teacht ar ainm nua dó.
By mBord Eagarthóireachta

College Must Rename the Former Berkeley Library and Quickly

Over a year and a half since the decision was taken to dename the Berkeley and yet College appears no closer to resolving this question.
By The Editorial Board

A “Perfect Storm”: The Story Behind May’s BDS Encampment

Boyd Stephen meets with Trinity's Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Committee to get the lowdown on May's Encampment and the organisation's future plans.
By Boyd Stephen

Is Dublin a ‘Music City’?

A consideration of the term 'music city’ (posited by Shain Shapiro) and its implementation in Dublin. Does the city support its artists, and does it use music to effectively help the economy?
By Erin Keenan

Environmental Society Criticises Cement Roadstone Holdings’ Company Sponsorship of Chair of Climate Science Position

Society questions corporate influence and “Greenwashing” of CRH's links climate science faculty position.
By Nicole Saluck

Incident at Tola Vintage Culture Night Block Party Sparks Conversation about the Treatment of People of Colour in Ireland

An attendant at the block party speaks to The University Times about his experience at the event.
By Natalia Kamendy

Trinity Renters’ Solidarity Network Post Letter Signed by 213 Students to Junior Dean’s Office Door

The group failed to meet with the Junior Dean to address the College's decision to appeal the Residential Tenancy Board's ruling that the College's overnight guest policy is "unenforceable".
By Isabella Roussel

Sally Rooney at the National Concert Hall

Her new novel, Intermezzo, attracted a captivated crowd.
By Ila Raso