
Sharp Drop-Off in Student Satisfaction With Experience of Trinity

A recent survey found that 17 per cent of Trinity students would probably or definitely pick a different college if they were choosing again.
By Robert Quinn

Academic Registry Seeks to Clear Up Confusion Over Exam Numbers

Academic Registry has confirmed the number of exams fell over the last two years, despite previous figures showing the number had increased.
By Jordan Nann

Tiocfaidh ár Latté: Athoscailt Chaife na Gaeilge

D’athoscail Caifé na Gaeilge in Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh ag tús mhí Eanáir, tar éis cinneadh é a dhúnadh i mí Mheán Fómhair.
By Darragh Mac Giolla Phádraig

Trinity to Splash €16m on Old AIB Building, After Four Years of Leasing It

College hopes to sell the building, which houses departments displaced by Printing House Square, in five years time.
By Katy Amos

Léiríonn Agóid Réamhghníomach Conas Arduithe Cíosa A Sheachaint

Bhí an ceart ag agóideoirí rabhadh a thabhairt don Chólaiste go bhfuil mic léinn réidh le troid i gcoinne arduithe cíosa.

TCDSU is Inherently Political – This Election Period Has Proved It

The national versus local divide has dominated this year’s presidential election campaign, and the idea of a political union has clearly won out.
By The Editorial Board

Nocht an Rás Uachtaránachta i mBliana gur Aontas Polaitiúil é TCDSU

Bhí forlámhas ag an deighilt idir náisiúnta agus áitiúil san fheachtas toghcháin don uachtarán i mbliana, agus bhí an bua ag aontas polaitiúil.

An Array of Talent on Show at First Battle of the Bands Semi-Final

The lineup for the opening semi-final of this year's Battle of the Bands includes a refreshing collection of new talent.
By Joe Coughlan

UL Under Fire for ‘Prison Cell’ Accommodation Proposals

The proposal, which will see a second bed added to apartments designed for one person, has been condemned by student leaders as 'appalling'.
By Orla Murnaghan

Printing House Square to Open in July, After Slew of Setbacks

Trinity's new accommodation complex, originally due to be finished last summer, has been hit by a number of setbacks over the last seven months.
By Emer Moreau