College Accommodation Hikes Continue, as UCC Raises Rent by 3%
UCCSU said the decision indicates 'a chasm of priorities emerging between UCC and its 22,000 students'.
Trinity Ball Tickets Sell Out Within Two Hours
At the time of publishing, a small number of tickets remain on sale in House Six – but the union has warned there's no point joining the queue.
Trinity Joins Colleges in €80k Online System for Reporting Sexual Assault
Nine colleges have signed up to a new project that will allow students to anonymously report experiences of sexual assault
Fashion Soc Plots a Show Increasingly Crucial to Dublin Culture
This Thursday, Trinity's Fashion Society will run its annual show – a display 'unlike what we've done previously'.
TCDSU Candidates Kick Off Campaigns, After Delayed Manifesto Arrivals
Candidates who travelled to Halls last night had to do so without their manifestos, which only arrived this morning.
Students Just Helped Jolt Irish Politics. Third-Level May Not Benefit
Young people played a major role in an election of change, but there’s no guarantee of positive developments for higher education.
Chraith Mic Léinn Polaitíocht na Tíre. Seans Nach mBainfidh Coláistí Leas As
Bhí ról an-tabhachtach ag daoine óga in olltoghchán lán d’athrú, ach ní féidir bheith cinnte de go mbeidh forbairtí don ardoideachas.
Sinn Féin’s Eoin Ó Broin Hits Out at University Rent Increases
Sinn Féin's housing spokesperson said rent increases in several Irish universities 'are not recognising the spirit of the law'.
DUCAC’s Hidden Minutes Show a Body Failing to Reckon With its Recent Past
For one reason or another, DUCAC isn't willing to release minutes of meetings from the tenure of former Chair Donagh McDonagh.
Miontuairiscí Faoi Cheilt ag CLC, Léiriú ar Eagraíocht atá Dall ar a Stair Féin
Níl Cumann Luthcleasa an Choláiste sásta na miontuairiscí ó chruinnithe a bhí faoi stiúir ag iarchathaoirleach Donagh McDonagh a roinnt.