
A New Student Space for the Hamilton

The idea for the new space came after concerns for the welfare of students studying in the new 24-hour Hamilton library.
By Aisling Marren

A Tobacco-Free Campus Would Stigmatise Smokers

It's smokers' right to choose what they want to do with their bodies and a smoke-free campus would achieve very little, writes Alanna MacNamee.
By Alanna MacNamee

Government Supports Creation of Forum on Student Sexual Assault

The proposal for a forum comes after the reported rapes of three college students in Cork.
By Eleanor O'Mahony

Trinity Slides Down to 120th in Times Higher Education World Rankings

The College is ranked 120th in the world in the Times Higher Education rankings, a drop of three places.
By Emma Louise Nolan

Provost’s Sway Over Board Under Scrutiny

The Board will undergo an internal review, after criticisms over the Provost's dual rule of chairperson of Board and CEO of the university.
By Jack Synnott

Caitriona Lally Wins Trinity’s Rooney Prize for Irish Literature

Lally, a Trinity graduate was awarded for her first book, Eggshells.
By Connor Hogg

College Has 11 Months for Radical Timetable Revamp

A fixed timetable system will be introduced to accommodate new electives.
By Eleanor O'Mahony and Donal MacNamee

Prices for Hot Water Rise by 50% in Arts Block

The price of compostable cups has driven up prices for hot water in the Perch.
By Aisling Marren

LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner Talks Startups, Tricky Colleagues and Political Pressure

Speaking to the Phil yesterday, Weiner shared his tips for success with students wishing to enter the business world.
By Nadine Fitzpatrick

The Universities Fighting to Keep Free Speech Alive

As free speech becomes a flashpoint issue on campuses, academics and students worldwide are striving to combat its effect.
By Kathleen McNamee