“Hybrid” of Three Funding Options for Higher Education Possible, Says Peter Cassells
Cassells, speaking at the Oireachtas Education and Skills Committee, said that a return to the status quo would create 'deep costs' for students.
Plans to Replace TSM Programme, With New Subject Combinations on Offer
Consultations are to begin wth Heads of Schools for the replacement of TSM by 2018-2019, with the possibility of including subjects like law and business with new combinations.
With Branded Merchandise, New Trinity Company Expected to Raise €1.5m in Five Years
A new subsidary company, Trinity Brand Commercial Services, will sell Trinity-inspired products internationally, with a projected yearly turnover of €25 million.
Ní Féidir Fairsinge Ratha Taighde Choláiste na Tríonóide a Dhearmad i nGliondar faoi Bhallraíocht Leru
Tar éis aontachais Choláiste na Tríonóide chuig an grúpa ardcháile ollscoileanna, tá sé ró-éasca dearmad go n-aithníonn an gradam éachtaí taighde sna daonnachtaí freisin.
Elation at Leru Membership Shouldn’t Ignore the Breadth of Trinity’s Research Success
After Trinity’s acceptance by the prestigious organisation, it is too easy to forget that the honour recognises research achievements in the humanities as well.
After Year-Long Campaign, Trinity to Divest from Fossil Fuels
After a campaign led by Fossil Free TCD, Trinity is to divest from its €6.1 million indirectly invested in fossil fuel companies.
School of Drama, Film and Music to become School of Creative Arts
It is hoped the name change will reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the school, as well as improve the student experience.
The Increasing Corporatisation of Trinity Threatens to Undermine Its Core Function as a University
Trinity and Irish universities remain seriously underfunded by the state, but sacrificing collegiate values in favour of commercialisation presents many problems.
Green Party Senator Launches TCDSU Environmental Lobby Group
Senator Grace O'Sullivan, who launched the lobby group, called on Trinity to divest from fossil fuels.
Trinity Celebrates 175 Years of Engineering
The celebrations included a lecture from Sir Thomas John Parker, Britain's own Clark Kent, whose speech mirrored Lloyd’s first lecture to engineering students this day 175 years ago.