Campaign aims to significantly increase philanthropic donations to the College, and build support from government and industry.
By Sinéad Baker
The Eduniversal rankings place the new Trinity MBA at 6th place, above business schools in both Oxford and Cambridge.
By Dominic McGrath
Rankings, released this morning by Times Higher Education, reveal the top 200 most outward-looking institutions in the world.
By Edmund Heaphy
The research, published today, could prove significant as concerns grow over use of fertilisers.
By John Conway
With 13 per cent of students not progressing in NUIG and the University of Limerick, Trinity is only university to improve.
By Edmund Heaphy
An Taisce tells The University Times that “the scale” of the building raises concerns.
By Dominic McGrath
As College prioritises STEM subjects, a concern for the future of other courses remains.
By John Bethell
The expanded centre, which will be based in Trinity, will be launched by Minister for Skills, Research and Innovation, Damien English.
By Dominic McGrath
With the renewal of Trinity’s Green Flag in doubt, Paul Glynn examines what College is doing to safeguard it.
By Paul Glynn
By coincidence or by design, Trinity produces more entrepreneurs than any university in Europe.
By Daniel O'Brien