Today, RTÉ Will Step Inside Courtney McGrath’s ‘Uni Life’
The second episode of the brand-new series will air this Friday, at 7.30pm on RTÉ One.
GSU Caution in Sharing Survey Data is Justified, Says Top Data Lawyer
The Trinity PhD Workers' Rights Group and the GSU have clashed over sensitive survey data about PhD students.
Trinity St James’s Cancer Institute Awarded OECI Accreditation
The OECI is considered the leading cancer accreditation agency in Europe.
Printing House Square Projected to Open in Spring 2021
After years of setbacks, the coronavirus pandemic and contracting issues have further delayed the opening of the new accommodation complex.
Five Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus at TBSI
TBSI has suspended all practical classes due to take place in the associated lab for the next week.
GSU and PhD Workers’ Rights Group Clash Over Suppressed Survey Data
The Trinity PhD Workers' Rights Group and the GSU had worked on the survey since May 2020.
76% of Societies Say TEP Has Negatively Impacted Them
CSC Chair Ryan Grunwell expressed concerns about the effects of the Trinity Education Programme on society life.
Will Higher Education Learn from the Lessons of the Pandemic?
The move to innovative forms of learning and classroom-based assessments came as a shock to higher education institutions – but now they should be incorporated into the norm, writes Tom Boland.
Cruachás Cruathaitheachta: Triúir Ceoltóirí Triú Leibhéal ar Thaithí na Paindéime
Pléann ceoltóirí tríú leibhéal conas a chuadar i dtaithí ar an bpaindéim.
Ní Mór Do Ollscoileanna a Bheith Cinniúnach Faoi Athoscailt – Ach Ní Róluath
Bheartaigh DCU, Ollscoil Mhá Nuad agus Ollscoil Luimnigh an tseachtain seo chun fanacht ar líne an téarma seo chugainn.