‘Paul Mescal Was Five Feet Away From Me’: Meet the Extras of Normal People
Normal People's TV adaptation catapulted its cast to overnight fame. Many Trinity students were there, in the background, working as extras.
Ireland–UK Fee Agreement to Continue Into 2021/22, Government Confirms
The agreement, which means existing fee arrangements stay in place for students from both countries, had been extended on a year-by-year basis.
TCDSU President Beston Slams Plans to Cut Number of Students on Board
The number of student representatives on College Board could be lowered from four to as low as one.
Board Membership Should be Cut in Half, Says Trinity Working Group
The latest proposals on the reshaping of governance in Trinity’s also weigh up separating the roles of provost and chair of the College Board.
Is Cassells Dead? Yes, if the Programme for Government is Anything to Go By
The newly agreed programme for government scarcely references the existence of the Cassells report.
An Bhfuil Cassells Marbh? Cinnte, más Fianaise é an Dréachtchlár Rialtais
Is beag tagairt a dhéanann an dréachtchlár rialtais do thuarascáil Cassells an tseachtain seo.
A Scholars Mess Trinity Could, and Should, Have Avoided
After days of confusion, we eventually heard that Dublin-based Scholars would be able to access free accommodation.
Praiseach Go bhFéadfadh, agus Ba Cheart don Choláiste a Sheachaint
I ndiaidh laethanta de mhearbhall, chualamar faoi dheireadh go mbeadh teacht ag Scoláirí atá lonnaithe i mBaile Átha Cliath ar lóistín saor in aisce.
Levels of Sexual Assault, Harassment High in Colleges, USI Survey Finds
Some 70 per cent of students who have experienced sexual misconduct don’t understand what happens when they report it to their college.
Amid Outrage, Neither College or Scholars Come Out of Accommodation Fight Well
College bungled its announcement on whether Dublin Scholars get accommodation, but – no matter what – the situation is lose-lose, writes Faye Curran.