For Many Students, Summer Jobs Pay for College. Now That’s Gone
It behoves the government to support students for whom vital summer work has gone out the window, writes Ella Connolly.
In UCD, Academics Push Pandemic-Era Research – Inside the Lab and Out
With a contact tracing centre, and research that’s likely to be crucial to how Ireland manages the virus, UCD is at the coalface of pandemic research.
Top Academics Warn Ireland Must Eliminate Virus, Urging Policy U-Turn
An open letter to the ‘two Governments on the island of Ireland’ says re-opening society too soon could have major consequences.
Starving Universities Hunt a Cabinet Champion – and a Seat at the Table
Thousands of academics have called for the creation of a department of higher education and research.
Lorgaíonn Tríú-Leibhéal Aire Rialtais – Agus Rannpháirtíocht
D'éiligh na mílte ón lucht léinn go mbunófar roinn ardoideachais agus taighde.
As Protests Sweep the Globe, Trinity Must Make Real, Lasting Changes on Campus
With millions protesting around the world, Trinity this week promised to ‘bring about real structural change’ when it comes to racism on campus.
Le hAgóidí ag Scaipeadh ar Fud na Cruinne, Caithfidh an Tríonóid Athruithe Buana a Dhéanamh ar Champas
Fad is atá na milliúin ag agóidíocht ar fud an domhain, gheall an Coláiste an tseachtain seo go “ndéanfar athruithe struchtúracha” maidir le ciníochas ar champas.
Trinity Moves STEM Summer Camps for Secondary School Students Online
Trinity's Walton Club today kicked off the first of seven camps it'll run this summer – online, rather than on campus.
Major College Society to Run Speaking Events Remotely in First Term Next Year
Dublin University Business and Economics Society has announced all its speaker events will be held over Zoom.
Fellows Divided on Provost’s Warning that Trinity May Cut Student Numbers
Some Fellows have moral objections to reducing student numbers, while others say it's the only option available to Trinity.