Magic and Mixology in Dublin’s Newest Fantasy-Themed Bar
Located in Temple Bar, the Cauldron offers a unique experience – albeit at a cost.
At Printing House Square, Trinity is Sucked Into a Labour Fiasco – Again
Trinity will surely regret not handling the underpayment of Printing House Square plumbers sooner.
Ag Cearnóg Theach na Clódóireachta, Tá an Tríonóid i bPráisc Oibre – Arís
Beidh aiféala ar an gColáiste nár íoc siad pluméirí Cearnóg Theach na Clódóireachta mar is ceart cheana.
At Pallas Projects, an Art Exhibition Full of Surprises
Shiftings, the now-completed exhibition in Pallas Projects in the Liberties, is at once coherent and unexpected.
Developers Given Permission to Build 3,094 Student Beds Since January
Student accommodation developers have benefitted more than other housing providers from a fast-track scheme introduced two years ago.
Temple Bar’s V Restaurant Excels – But Sacrifices Vegan Ethos
Its food is great, but V restaurant needs to have more confidence in its plant-based abilities, writes Elliot Milofsky.
Elderly Churchgoers Have Better Mental Health, Say Trinity Researchers
A Trinity study has found elderly people who regularly attend church have lower depressive symptoms than those who do not.
Om Diva Is Clearing the Floor to Irish Designers
Om Diva's summer residency programme is giving Irish designers some much-needed visibility.
Space Issues ‘Critical’ in Nursing School, Says Report
The College Bursar said a long-term solution to the school's space issues 'may be delivered by the TTEC site'.
With Masterful Curation, Fair Lady Vintage Bazaar Enthrals
The Fair Lady Vintage Bazaar brought vintage enthusiasts flocking to St Stephen's Green for a celebration of ornate clothing and jewellery.