Trinity’s moral dilemma does not lie in its indirect investment in fossil fuels, but rather the opportunity cost of not making a statement from divesting.
The University Times this week published an op-ed detailing the increased harassment of and bigotry against the Asian community in Irish universities.
The coronavirus pandemic has forced Trinity to run exams online, rather than in person, as College has traditionally done.
In the heads of a bill to reform university governance structures, Trinity was the only university mentioned as being potentially excluded from some of the reforms.
By The Editorial Board
TCDSU will lobby College to look into making House Six more accessible, following a motion passed at Council this week.
Déanfaidh TCDSU stocaireacht ar an gColáiste chun a fhiosrú an féidir Teach a Sé a dhéanamh níos inrochtana, tar éis a ghlacadh le rún ag ag an gComhairle an tseachtain seo caite.
Debating a bill which would give greater protection to student renters, Minister for Higher Education Simon Harris said that an ‘urgent conversation’ is needed on the issue.
By The Editorial Board
Agus díospóireacht maidir le bille a thabharfadh cosaint sa bhreis do mhic léinn atá ina gcíosaithe dúirt an t-Aire Ardoideachais Simon Harris go bhfuil ‘comhrá práinneach’ de dhíth ar an gceist.
Student Sport Ireland this week called for third-level sports to be included in current reopening plans.
An email was circulated to postgraduate students this week to clarify which motions and amendments were deemed as passed by the GSU executive.