‘Ceol, Suíomh as an nGnáth, agus Fiantás’: i gComhrá le Disco Anocht
Tá bunaitheoirí Disco Anocht ag meascadh ceol tí agus Gaeilge i measc na mac léinn chun saol a choinneáil i gcroílár an ghaelachais sa chathair.
It’s Not Radical For TCDSU to Be Aspirational About Irish
It’s entirely appropriate that the students’ union of a state-funded university should make itself available through the first official language of the state, writes Eoin O’Hare.
Ba Cheart do TCDSU Bheith Uaillmhianach leis an Ghaeilge
Tá sé go hiomlán fóirsteánach go mbeadh aontas na mac léinn in ollscoil stát-maoinithe ar fáil trí mheán phríomhtheanga oifigiúil an stáit, dar le hEoin O'Hare.
Oidhreacht Cheilteach á Ceiliúradh ar Champas
Is seanfhéile phagánach í Samhain, a tháinig chun cinn nuair a bhailigh na Ceiltigh le chéile chun aos-sí a dhíbirt.
Europe Must Learn From Repeal, USI President Tells German Greens
USI President Síona Cahill was invited by Germany's Green Party to address the party's national conference in Leipzig.
In UL, Aramark Defends Direct Provision Links
Aramark handed out leaflets to students in the University of Limerick, defending its involvement in Direct Provision.
After Contention, TCDSU To Continue Sending Weekly Email in Irish
TCDSU Communications Officer Paraic McLean said that there were few readers of the Irish language email.
DCU Students Celebrate Delay to Student’s Deportation
Second-year DCU student Shepherd Machaya was informed yesterday that his deportation order had been extended until February 2019.
Government Announces €9m for Royal Irish Academy of Music
Mary Mitchell O'Connor and Josepha Madigan today announced funding of €9 million for the redevelopment of the academy's premises.
Presidential Candidates Overlook Students at Their Peril
By disregarding students, Ireland's presidential candidates are ignoring a demographic that can transform Ireland, writes Tara Porter McEvoy.