Who Gets to Name What?
The opening of Kinsella Hall is a hopeful sign for the future of higher education funding in Ireland
Demand for Emergency Counselling May Indicate Stark Lack of Resources
Aisling Curtis discusses how an increasing demand for emergency counselling services could reflect an inability to access crucial services.
Despite a Successful Student March, Obstacles Remain
With something tangible to fight against, this year's demonstration was notably successful, but fighting for a publicly funded system in this climate presents many obstacles.
“Pro-Choice” Supporters Too Often Have a Monopoly on Abortion Debate in Trinity
Aishling Ruigrok argues that those who hold a “pro-life” view in Trinity are often stigmatised, and proper debate doesn't take place.
The Ambiguous Role of the Class Representative
Loic Delorme argues that although the role of a class representative is a multi-faceted one, representatives should take a greater interest in Council and student politics in general.
Exploring the Link Between Getting a Master’s Degree and Improving Your Employability
Kate Lawler argues that an increasing number of employers are placing a greater emphasis on practical experience over a postgraduate qualification.
Counselling is Not the Best Option for Everyone, and That’s Okay
James Behan looks at how, as people become more open in talking about their mental health, different ways of talking suit different people.
Is a University Qualification Necessary For a Prosperous Career?
Molly Flynn questions whether university is just a “rite of passage” for young people rather than an experience that greatly benefits them.
How My Crisis Pregnancy Changed My View on Abortion
Anna Murray discusses her experience with crisis pregnancy and argues that the eighth amendment negatively affects women in such a situation.
Students’ Unions Must Strike the Balance Between Voicing the Political and Representing the Student Body
Ellen Orchard examines the balance in students' unions between student-related issues and wider campaigns.