Elections 2016
Dining Hall Hustings Sets Up President to be Two-Man Race
In a poorly attended hustings marked by a lack of polish from candidates, Kieran McNulty and Daniel O’Brien separated themselves in the presidential race.
Visuals, Installations and Glitter: A Preview of What The Ents Race Has to Offer
Carla King-Molina previews the events and nights out planned by the Ents candidates over the next two weeks.
Who’s Running in the TCDSU Elections?
Who's running, and why they're running – plus full analysis of each race.
Presidential Candidates Weigh the Balance Between College Issues and National Ones
In interviews with The University Times, candidates highlight issues such as fees, repeal the eighth and union engagement.
18 Candidates to Run in Students’ Union Elections
Stephen Carty, Jason Leonard, Kieran McNulty and Daniel O’Brien are running for president.