In Focus

Sajal Singh on her Bid for UT Editor: “It’s Time that The University Times Becomes Diverse, Innovative and Fearless”
Singh reflects on her experience within student journalism at Trinity as a positive one.

Yuv Garg Runs for Ents Officer: Promising Increased Accessibility, Platforms for Culture, and “Bigger and Better” Events
Garg hopes to use the skills he has learnt in past leadership positions to build on current Ents Officer Peadar’s legacy

Ents Candidate Orla Norton Discusses Crowd Control, Anti-Spiking, Sustainability and Accessibility Measures
ith experience in events management from her time in the French Society Norton is hoping to convince students of her leadership skills and vision for the future of College events.

Ents Candidate Finn Hallwood on Accessibility and Increasing Student Involvement in Trinity Events
Trinity Ents candidate Finn Hallwood outlines his plans to make Ents more representative of the student body.

Trinity Ball, Accessibility and High Levels of Craic: How Candidate John O’Hara Plans to Improve Ents
The current Ents Public Relations officer has built a solid campaign by prioritising a quality Trinity ball, safety at all events and a focus on events for and by students.

The 2025 German Elections and What they Could Mean for the Future of Democracy in Europe

TCDSU Welfare Candidate John Garvey is Passionate About Change
Garvey shared that his experience as Welfare Officer for the JCR makes him well-suited for the role as he has done case-work and also planned a campaign week before.

Welfare and Equality Officer Bhargavi Magadi Draws on Personal Experience in her Campaign to Make Lasting Change
Through dealing with Trinity’s student services Magadi “found that the support system could be so much more practical and helpful if they [...] just expected students to do a little bit less work [...] to be able to access them.” This problem, she believes, could be solved through increased information and better communication.

TCDSU Welfare Candidate Nina Crofts Wants “a More Connected Campus”
The University Times sits down with TCDSU Welfare and Equality candidate Nina Crofts to discuss consent, mental health, and student engagement.

Accessibility, Consent and Therapy Dogs: TCDSU Welfare Candidate Deirdre Leahy on Creating a Trinity for All
When it comes to change, Deirdre Leahy believes “you have to have a little bit of flair, a little bit of something that catches peoples’ eye, calls their attention, and gets them to care about the issues”.