In Focus

With Little Research, and Less Data, Women’s Health Remains Overlooked
Despite the efforts of many academics, data on women's illnesses is acutely limited. It's hard to understand why so little research exists.

In Climate Crisis, Academics Say Bogs Are Crucial – But They’re Contentious
Bogs are a part of Ireland's national identity. But scientists say we need to change how we manage them in order to mitigate global heating.

Around the World, Universities Are Speaking Up on Manning Up
Toxic masculinity is a phrase loaded with meaning, and sometimes deeply divisive. But in universities, substantive conversations are starting about it.

How Trinity is Protecting Ireland’s Pollinators
As part of the All-Island Pollinator Plan, Trinity is making steps to create a campus that's more biodiverse – and protects vital pollinators.

In Universities, Academics and Activists Fight for Ireland’s Deaf Community
It hasn't always had much recognition, but at third-level, there's a sense that the Deaf Community is finally being 'listened to'.

The Trinity–NCAD Elective Teaching Students How to ‘Fail Marvellously’
Philip Napier, an NCAD professor heading up a new College elective, wants Trinity students to 'step into that unknown experimental place'.

At the Frontlines of the On-Campus Rent Wars
In recent months, students' unions across the country have clashed with colleges over on-campus rent increases.

Coronavirus: Has Ireland Listened To Its Academics?
A month ago, Trinity's response to the pandemic was considered proactive rather than reactive. Has that changed?

On Ireland’s Campuses, an Overlooked Demographic: Student Farmers
Farmers don’t have it easy – with long hours and criticism from some quarters, there’s a lot to it. But what’s it like for students in the business?

Forever Presence: Remembering Koralek, the Berkeley’s Monument Man
In 1967, the Berkeley Library opened – designed by Paul Koralek. Decades later, it stands as 'an unusual, but deserved feat in modern-day Dublin'.