In Focus

Ahead of Election Day, a Generation of UK Students Mobilises
Around the UK, young people are making their voices heard, ahead of a general election that could be crucial in the future of Brexit.

Celebrating 100 Years of Microbiology in Trinity
In Trinity, microbiology experts gather to toast the discipline's past – and the importance of its future.

In Old Library, a Cultural Campaign for Women Figureheads Comes to a Head
Some are in favour of Trinity's new move to place female sculptures in the Long Room. But to others, it doesn't go far enough.

Why Campuses Around the World Are Still at War Over Free Speech
The conversation around free speech on campus has progressed in recent years – but it's as divisive as ever.

With Chinese Links, New Questions About the Ethics of Research
A new research partnership between Irish and Chinese universities has raised ethical questions. For the researchers involved, it's a complex issue.

Immunotherapy: a Revolutionary Approach to Killing a Killer
Immunotherapy is one of the most recent developments in cancer research. It could change how we think about treating the disease.

A Direct Provision Battle With No End in Sight
Students from direct provision centres overcome a number of hurdles to obtain their degrees.

The Trinity Scientists Juggling Career and Family
While the reality of having a family whilst maintaining a successful scientific career is difficult, many Trinity academics say it is certainly doable.

Bringing a New Cohesion to College Consent Campaigns
Around the world, colleges and universities are developing new strategies to advance students' understanding of consent issues.

Scholar – or Sham? The Tangled Legacy of James Ussher, a Trinity Institution
In Trinity, James Ussher has a library and a professorship named after him. But the 17th-century professor has a dubious scholarly record.